Volunteerism is an essential part of community

By Sheila G. Kelley, development coordinator

Helping others in their time of need is a wonderful way to connect with our communities. Volunteering impacts everyone involved and is a rewarding endeavor with numerous benefits!

Volunteering is good for you both physically and mentally. It helps reduce stress and makes you feel healthier by strengthening the immune system.

Volunteering saves resources. Many charities and non-profit organizations may solely depend upon volunteers to provide their programs and services. In 2021, the estimated value of a volunteer’s time in Kansas is $26.87 per hour.

People who volunteer gain professional experience which can help make decisions on career paths to follow or not.

As a volunteer, you help unite people with diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal; building camaraderie and teamwork.

Volunteering strengthens your communities by supporting families (daycare and eldercare); improving schools (tutoring, literacy); supporting youth (mentoring and after-school programs); and beautifying the community (park cleanups.)

By stepping up to the needs of the community, volunteers learn a lot about themselves and their communities. It gives you a chance to give back, supporting needed community resources. Giving of your time and efforts also encourages civic responsibility. The practice is an investment in communities and the people who call it home.

If you’re looking for volunteer opportunities in Harvey County, please give us a call and we can connect you with opportunities that interest you and match your skills. 

Thank you to our board of directors who work on a volunteer basis. We couldn’t do what we do without your guidance.

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